Friday, April 13, 2007

LCC Executive board rubberstamps proposals

The Echo reports it: Today the Executive Board approved Lovell's proposals for Granby triangle. I was too late for the meeting, got up too late. The public is allowed to listen in these meetings from an ante room, with the occasional glimpse of our democratically elected representatives. I remember from other occasions that the public address system in use was hopelessly inaudible, and that is still the case, as a neighbour who was less sleepy in the morning confirmed.
They had a little discussion before voting the whole proposal through and in the end the councillors hinted to the listening audience of residents that they will keep us informed.
So, what does this mean for my house, my street? On the cards is outright demolition. We will fight this, and on a meeting we (Granby Resident's Association) had some days ago a council officer confirmed that further consultation with the residents is written into the report the executive board voted on. Can we really influence the proposal so much that the outright demolition plan will be overturned? We will certainly try to find out.


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