Saturday, November 25, 2006

Edge Lane wins again!

Another great victory for the campaigners in Edge Lane! Read about it here. A friend who I know from summer cycling evenings lives in the area and will be very happy. It is a bit worrying that the demolisher lobby still wants to press ahead, and just will try again to get the area CPO'ed. For those who don't know: Edge Lane is one of the main routes into Liverpool, for example coming by car from the M62 and heading for the centre you would drive along Edge Lane. Some fools think that by widening this road, traffic could flow quicker into the city. But you don't have to be a transport scientist to understand that wider roads will just attract more traffic, and you end up with the same problem of clogged up roads after a short time. In Edge Lane the plan was not just to widen the road, but to knock down houses to a far greater extent than widening the road would have required.
Somebody told me that there is a study which says: All you have to do for the traffic problems is to open a left turn lane somehwere along Edge Lane, can't remember where.
Btw, traffic jams always remind me of a hand written sign I used to see cycling to university in Berlin, Germany in the 1980's. The sign was near Potsdamer Platz and it addressed the jam that developed there in the morning rush hour. It said: Du stehst nicht im Stau, Du bist der Stau! - It means: You are not in a traffic jam, you are the traffic jam.


Blogger Ciara said...

Martin, just to let you know I have tried and tried to get someone to print my story and so far have struggled.
I honestly don't know why - it's an outrageous situation but there seem to be powerful interests at work.
Steve Radford, a liberal party city councillor on the housing committee, told me some interesting facts about the wider effect of demolition and renewal on Liverpool so I'll have another go with that.
For the time being I have written about you guys twice on my blog, just to get it out there and off my chest.
I feel really bad for not serving you guys better on this one. I will try again after Christmas I think.
You never know the - Guardian might use it in a different form as a kind of follow-up on my Anfield story. With a bit of a gap it may work better.
Apologies once again. Have a great Christmas.

4:07 PM  
Blogger cairns said...

Hi Ciara

Not to worry, we appreciate your effort in getting our story published. I myself have been busy and did not really find enough time to keep my blog up to date. Yes, I have seen your blog and was intending to link to it. I have set up a website for the Granby Residents Association, have a look at It is work in progress.

5:09 PM  
Blogger Ciara said...

By the way, I put the story on Indy Media:
Keep in touch

12:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is just another case of an uneducated blogger commenting on something they know very little about, other than the comments made by other uneducated bloggers on similar sites. The FACTS are that the Edge Lane scheme is not a road widening scheme, or a Pathfinder scheme as the dipstick lawyers of the opponents of the scheme would have you beleive. This project has been developed by us, the community, for the community and not for a handful of individuals looking for their 15 minutes of fame! The project is a comprehensive regeneration approach to an area that has failed in housing market terms, that provides the community with a harsh, unfriendly and dangerous environment to live in and portrays a very poor image on the approach to this once great city that certain parts of the community want to wallow in the c**p. Get a life and do something positive!

5:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, Anonymous member of the community, how about pointing us uneducated, ignorant bloggers into the direction to see and understand these great regeneration plans you developed? Why could the highest court in the country not come round to your view of the Edge Lane plans?

9:07 PM  

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