Monday, October 09, 2006

"Knockin'em down is deerer..."

Yes, that's what the builders who are contracted to knock down the bay windows on some houses in my street just told me. It's Monday morning and I had to go to get some milk for my poridge. (I normally don't have to go out to buy milk, because I get a door step delivery. The service is prompt, but the milk I got in this morning wss off... but that is another story, must not digress.) I walked past a white builder's van outside and two men in builder's attire with the expression on their faces that says "hmm that'll gonna cost you...". I turned back and started chatting to them. So, houses in my street are dangerous, bricks and sand stone lintels might fall, glass shatter. But instead of fixing the problem by repairing and trying to keep what is there, the builders are contracted to demolish and fill the big hole in with concrete blocks. It will look horenduous, and I will post pictures, but no time to do it today. I am going away for a few days, and when I am back the street will proably have changed it's appearance.


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